Shakti Ananda Online Academy | Enlightening Femininity
Shakti Ananda Online Academy
Weekly classes for developing femininity
This spiritual project was born from a profound aspiration to inspire women from all over the world to give a step further in their evolution as Women, as feminine beings, as manifestations of the feminine energies of this Universe, of the Eternal Feminine.
With this longing, we have created from our souls a feminine course where you will have classes every two weeks, where you will enter in a sacred space of our hearts and learn the mysteries of being a woman, of being supported by a spiritual sisterhood and family, of feeling safe to open and heal your deepest wounds.
Each class has a theory and practical part, and after each meeting you will receive a newsletter with all the topics that were discussed and some practical tips to put into practice.
As the wise say, "a gram of practice is worth tones of theory".
Topics that will be developed during the first year of the course:
- Journey through the chakras and how use them to amplify femininty
- Discovery the feminine mysteries according to the Tantric tradition
- Tantric astrology for women
- How to increase self-confidence, compassion and self-love
- How to awaken the orgasmic capacity and feel more eroticism in your life
- How to improve your love life and in your (couple) relationships​
And many, many other important topics in our life that need to be adressed properly, and consciously, so we can make real steps in our spiritual journey.
The classes are online with the exception of spiritual retreats and events which will be announced in due time.​
. By bank transfer, revolut or MBWay
. Monthly contribution: 30€
Which includes:
. Classes 2 times per month
. 1 session of individual Q&A in July (for those who completed the entire year)
. Discounts for webinars, workshops, retreats and other events
. Newsletter with the resume of the class, challenges, unisson practices, new articles
. Access to the classe's private telegram group, a safe space of sharings, where sistherhood will make its magic.
Are you ready to discover the secrets of being an awakened Woman?