Shakti Ananda Online Academy | Enlightening Femininity
Who we are
Here we share a little bit about ourselves and our journey so far.
Shakti coordinator, femininity coach, coordinator of women circles, femininity coach, yoga teacher, facilitator of tantra workshops and retreats, conscious massage teacher, tantric masseuse, writer and researcher
I am on a spiritual path for around 10 years and my mission in life is to help women to discover their feminine essence, to awaken to their full potential as women, and to truly love themselves.​
It all started with a journey of self-discovery (which, in reality, never ends) and profound healing of several traumas and blockages that I had anchored in my body from early years of life. And with an intense spiritual practice, and the help of some ancient traditions - Tantra, Yoga, Kalachakra, Tibetan Budism, Kashmir Shaivism, among ohters - I witnessed the profound transformation of my entire structure, habits, behaviors, patterns, resonances... I felt I came to life for the first time, that I was finally being born and awake. And this awakening is what I deeply wish to everyone, so that more and more human beings feel it the way I felt it - a sense of freedom, of rebirth, of pure happiness to be alive.
Over the past few years I studied a lot about healing, spiritual awakening and spiritual practices in order to help women and focus on topics about self-development, femininity and spirituality. One of the best sensations in life is to feel I can help women to be happy in their own skin and to embrace their entire being and authentic femininity.
To discover more about me and some of my work, take a look at
Shakti coordinator; women circles – Yogini Circle Movement; therapist: chinese medicine, ayurveda, herbalism, acupuncture and psychosomatics; masseuse: tantric, tui na, shiatsu; tai chi and chi kung healing arts; mandala artist; writer
Spirituality was a reality in my life since I was a child. Looking upon the road that awaited my soul, I have realized that what was driving me was the essence of the Unknown. This source guided me, step by step, in ways that I couldn’t ever imagine. From feeling my femininity numb to the discovery of its endless potential that led me into a continuous and mysterious exploration and blossoming of my femininity.
Discovering the celestial paradises inside me, was, is and will be an eternal source of miracle that inspires me to offer myself in helping more woman to access their true nature. For this I was guided by this Unknown source to study, practice and offer many types of healing arts from some authentic spiritual traditions in order to access an integral healing that Enlightens the pure feminine structure in my own being.
Tantra Yoga, Taoism, Ayurveda, Kashmir Shaivism, Somatic Psychotherapy and Spiritual Art are some of the sources of this healing system that combined can help us connect to our deepest Beauty.
Im here to sustain your inner feminine journey and to hold your hand in this path, as a friend but above that, as a spiritual sister.